Thursday, September 24, 2009

Strength Sleeping Within

Courage sleeps within a silent chamber
Cloaked with a lion’s hide
It is awakened by an anxious heart.

Firefighters in front of a blazing house

In “The Alchemist”, Coelho sends the message that we must be courageous to be able to seek and participate in your own destiny. His message tells us that courage is found in the heart. To be courageous one must be in search of adventure or destiny. “Every blessing ignored becomes a curse” (Coelho 55). We should cherish every treasure that comes our way. Doing this we do not regret our actions and mistakes, and thus able to seek adventure. Coelho explains we each affect each others destiny and are important in every aspect, “Every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world” (151). To allow fear to conquer our hearts changes history for better or for worse.

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