Saturday, September 26, 2009

Victors of France

Joan of Arc is a national heroine of France and a Catholic saint. Born on 1412 in Domrémy, France, she grew up a peasant girl and became a warrior which led many victories in the Hundred Years’ War. The Hundred Years’ War raged on from 1337 to 1453 for the French throne. This battle was mainly between the House of Valois (French) and the House of Plantagenet (English). Joan of Arc slowly fought off the English which eventually led to victory for the House of Valois. The House of Valois took the territory of France (except Pale of Calais) and push The House of Plantagenet back to England. Joan claimed she had visions from god which helped her lead France to victory. She was later captured and sold to England where she was burned at the stake. She was later beatified in 1909 and canonized in 1920. Joan, along with St. Denis and St. Theresa of Lisieux, is the one of the three Patron Saints of France.

Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc’s leadership lives on today and will forever. She stood for courage and spirituality. A French warrior, Joan of Arc preaches the message of persistence, bravery, and confidence. Proving to the world victory shrouds itself in darkness until we have the courage to pursue it. Today Joan is a national symbol for France and an international symbol for courage. Joan of Arc proves many lessons, one of which is that one person can make a difference no matter who it is. Joan of Arc is an international idol which everyone should look up to in times of helplessness and fear.


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